Category Archives: Uncategorized

Exclusive ANTEX Agent Incentive Program!

While working in the sales force I am sure you are familiar with sales incentives. Most employers offer the same thing every year with nothing new or exciting to motive the sales person. Moody Insurance Group is proud to announce an exclusive incentive program to ANTEX direct life agents. Our incentive program offers an opportunity… Continue Reading

Product Spotlight – Signature Term Accelerated Death Benefits

Medical bills are the last thing you want to worry about while a loved one is struck with a serious illness. Major medical procedures can be exceedingly expensive and emotionally draining for the family. Life can be unpredictable; critical illness, chronic illness, and terminal illness strike when we least expect. Critical illness may include heart… Continue Reading



Moody Insurance Group, Inc.

2302 Post Office, Suite 601

Galveston, Texas 77550



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