Category Archives: ANTEX

ANTEX Product Announcement

Attention Agents; American National (ANICO) is currently in a period of consolidation of its life insurance across all the family of companies. With that said, American National of Texas (ANTEX) will no longer be offering the Signature Term and Living Guaranteed Option Universal Life. These two products are already available with American National as the… Continue Reading

American National Life Insurance Company of Texas Releases New Innovative Product

Galveston, Texas: American National Life Insurance Company of Texas has released a new cutting edge, life insurance policy to their national field force this week. The product is called the Living Guarantee Option Universal Life that provides clients a full return of premium in year 20 and 25, and a partial refund in year 15.… Continue Reading

Product Launch

What a day! Today we had the honor of launching the Living Guaranteed Option UL from American National of Texas! This product is great for its return of premium and its combination of guaranteed death benefit and guarantees not to lapse. If you have ever wanted something to compete with term, this would be the… Continue Reading



Moody Insurance Group, Inc.

2302 Post Office, Suite 601

Galveston, Texas 77550



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